
You are not alone –

Can you relate to this? Are fear, worry, tension, and ruminating thoughts constant obsessions? You put so much time and energy into helping everyone else meet their needs that you forget to make time to care for yourself.

Focusing on everything else has caused you to lose sight of yourself, your dreams, and your desires. Now, you feel stuck in the mud. Are you losing touch with your intuition, and making decisions feels daunting?

Then, you spend sleepless nights and moments of panic about the future, making it challenging to take a deep breath.

Anxiety sets in, and it feels like there is no way out. Uh oh!

I’ve been there – and know that desperate feeling.

Trust me; I have been where you are now and can relate. Let me tell you – there is a different way out. Becoming friends with your subconscious mind is a superpower, and I will teach you how to become your own best friend.

Losing that friendship with yourself is a slow, subtle process. Then boom, you forget what brings you JOY, what feels Inspiring and Hopeful? Depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and “0” motivation happen.

Pulling yourself out of bed feels like climbing Mount Everest. On top of that, you know you are unique and have many things you want to do and give back. That’s why you say “YES” and then feel depleted all over again – Hmmmm.

Often, your world shifts ever so gradually, and you don’t even notice anything is wrong – leaving you overwhelmed, resentful, regretful, shameful, and full of guilt. Then, you start comparing yourself to what you see on social media, and BAM, rumination, and harmful and ineffective habits set in for relief. Those ruminating thoughts become like a Psychological Whack-a-Mole.

484910170Therapy can help you regain sight of yourself.

When we meet for our first session, you can expect kindness, empathy, compassion, and a plan of action. I will sincerely listen and remember what is going on in your life!

I hold space for an empathic and heartfelt experience that will create a trusting environment to heal and uplift your spirit.

Trust is essential; all you share with me is confidential. This time is FOR YOU!

Therapy is your chance! It’s a time devoted entirely to YOU, allowing you to take yourself on a date to mental freedom.

I understand your hesitation to share with others.

How often have you thought about sharing your thoughts and feelings with your friends, partner, or someone you love and trust, but you stop short because you feel EMBARRASSED or think, “THEY HAVE ALREADY HEARD THIS”?

You’ve come so close to letting someone see these most complex parts of yourself – the sadness, loneliness, worry, and pain – only to back out at the last minute. The vulnerability causes your stomach to ache. Who wants to hear all that? Who has time?

You don’t even want to think about your thoughts or feel your feelings, let alone share those feelings with anyone else.

2044158245I intend to learn about you.

We will first explore where your story started, how this began, how you react now, what changed to get you here, or how you came to live here. We won’t stare at the past, but rather, we will look at it and begin to move forward from it. As I get to know you, you also will get to know yourself – differently. You choose.

We will work together to provide you with the tools you need so that you can bring dreams, joy, and desires back into your life. BECOME YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND! I want you to feel heard as I listen and learn.

Then, you can take what you learned about your core issue(s), so you can recognize how they loop around and around and pop up in various disguises.

The tools you learn will be your forever guide to mental freedom.

Nothing Stands in Your Way.

Imagine what life could be if you peaked at the beautiful things on the other side of the mountain of stuff stuck on your back.

It’s time for you to let go of wondering if there is more to life than rumination, worry, and bad habits. It is called HOPE.

Together, we’ll systematically dismantle and free you from the garbage that trips you – so you can find the joy, peace, and freedom that is begging to take center stage in your life.

1628796229Nothing Is Holding You Back.

Taking full advantage of our intentionally designed relationship that keeps your health and wellness our primary goal, we’ll create a partnership that gets directly to the heart of your needs.

While we’ll use various therapeutic tools, my favorites are compassion, empathy, and humor. The Breathe Method with Amy uses therapy as your chance to heal – It’s time devoted entirely to YOU.

Here’s our vision.

Through The Breathe Method, we strive to provide what will foster your personal growth and development. We pour our energy into encouraging your discovery of tenacity, perseverance, courage, strength, and joy.

The Breathe Method uses various techniques to reduce stress, manage pain, enhance sleep, increase breathing, and improve physical and mental wellness. The Breathe Method treats each individual based on their specific need. The techniques include Hypnotherapy, counseling, yoga, meditation, and breathing.

We work to support your time and energy as you explore the most effective and lasting way to overcome personal obstacles and embrace true life satisfaction and peace.

We cannot WAIT to start your spectacular adventure with your freedom, live a life beyond your wildest hopes and dreams, and turn them into reality.

About Me

About AmySomething was missing in my life.

I have been where you are and can relate to your experiences. As a single parent, habit cycles I could not break, isolation, and rumination were guiding forces in my life. Based on my education and background, I SHOULD be OK on paper. Instead, my wings felt clipped at times.

Self-care became a foreign friend. I knew I needed support but did not know where and how to find it. I started educating myself about theories, doing triathlons, running, working out, and meditating on a mountain. I also changed careers and relationships and even tried overeating ice cream. Nothing worked, and my journey continued!

My life took many turns as an athlete (until my injury), a salesperson in San Francisco, and a fitness instructor. I got divorced, became very depressed, and then found Yoga.

The pieces start coming together.

I was still experiencing regret, past experiences that caused shame, guilt, and other crap on my back that popped up and kept me from living fully. It seemed like I took two steps forward and one step backward.

I sought and found Hypnotherapy for positive change. BINGO! I found relief and the motivation to find a therapist who listened well and remembered my story – someone who deeply cared and was present.

My journey began to go deeper, and I started to feel better. I became trained and certified in Yoga, Somatic Healing, and Meditation.

My body felt better, but my mind did not always. I went deeper personally and professionally.

I got my Master’s in Psychology and learned breathing techniques. I found CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy), Yoga, breathing, and meditation to be helpful techniques.

The Breathe Method was the result of my experiences.

Because I knew that I needed therapy and something different, I began searching for something that addressed all of me.

As humans, we are MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT – and all need support. We are a combination, and this idea led me to understand why talk therapy alone was not working. As a result, I devised The Breathe Method, which addresses the whole of you.

For over 20 years, I have intentionally helped people through The Breathe Method create or re-create a best friendship with themselves, allowing them to dream and dream bigger. This method works to serve my clients with gratitude, empathy, and purpose.

Therapy is your chance! It’s time for you to focus on yourself entirely.