Breathing is not easy for you.
Physically, your body has changed. Some of your problems may include an increased heart rate, shortness or shallow breath, inability to breathe deeply or catch your breath, difficulty breathing, clogged sinuses, anxiety, and stress related to not breathing well or inability to breathe effectively.
Those physical challenges cause frequent anxiety. As a result, you start considering a way to overcome those challenges.
A thought comes to mind, “I don’t understand what all this talk about breath is, but I want to do it if it will help me feel better.”
Healthy lifestyles require effective breathing.
You can go for weeks without food, days without water, but only a few minutes without breathing. Breathing has such an immediate impact on your mind and body that inhaling vs. exhaling affects your nervous system differently. It’s common to train in diet, exercise, and even hydration, but almost no one trains their breath.
Did you know breathing can change your blood PH (acid/alkaline) in minutes? No food, exercise, or medication acts as quickly. You can often determine your dominant nervous system state simply by placing your finger underneath your nostrils and exhaling.
A reduced rate of breathing can stimulate rest and digestion and the parasympathetic nervous system to help with sleep, stress, and anxiety. Rapid, pulsed breathing stimulates a sympathetic nervous system response to increase energy, prepare for exercise, or boost the body’s natural defenses.
Diaphragmatic breathing massages the Vagus Nerve and reduces heart rate, blood pressure, and stress. Any respiratory conditions are manageable by increasing CO2 levels in the blood. Breathing can help reduce the fear of public speaking, improve digestion, reduce insomnia, and lower stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
Learn to breathe deeply and change your life.
Worldwide interest in breathing is booming, but most books and teachers make things so complicated and extreme that the average person doesn’t know where to turn for guidance.
There are a few practical and straightforward techniques that can change the course of your life, helping to reduce stress and anxiety while increasing energy, vitality, and peace in your daily living.
It is my heartfelt passion that Breathwork is life-altering.
The Breathe Method delivers immediate results.
The results from the Breathe Method are positive and create a mind-body connection in 10 minutes or less every time. This immediate positive feedback loop is so rewarding for anyone on a health journey.
A Breathe Breathwork Session is 50-60 minutes, and follow-up sessions vary. We will work together to create an optimal plan suited to your needs. More importantly, Breathe Breathwork can occur anywhere and requires very little space, no equipment, and no prior experience.
Our work together occurs via Zoom, FaceTime, or even on the phone. The process is safe and natural, and the techniques used can help almost anyone, regardless of age or health status.
With this all-natural approach, you’ll learn to take control of the nervous system, stress response, sleep quality, and energy. In the sessions, you will have a unique session plan, recording, and video of the Breathe Method and the Breath option that works best for you.
Start breathing easy with the Breathe Method. Contact me today for more information. I look forward to guiding you to deeper breathing and better living.